
As one of New Zealand’s leading property companies, we’re committed to reducing our environmental footprint. Through a focus on sustainable design and development we help create spaces that are vibrant, dynamic, and more resilient to climate change.


Delivering on sustainability

We’re actively reducing our operational emissions and working with our partners to decrease water, waste, and energy use. We have set bold ambitions for sustainability across our property portfolio.

We have a decarbonisation plan in place to guide our Scope 1 and 2 emissions reduction ambitions. We’re working hard to make a difference and in 2023 we achieved a global real estate sustainability benchmark (GRESB) rating of 79 (out of 100).

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Places highlights

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Cutting emissions

The small actions we take each day will add up to a big difference in the years to come. We've already reduced our scope 1, 2 and selected scope 3 emissions by 74% since 2012, and by driving efficiency, using renewable energy and deploying new technology, we’ll move closer to our emissions reduction ambitions.

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Generating renewable energy

We’re creating one of New Zealand’s largest rooftop solar installations at Sylvia Park, delivering peak capacity of 1.21 MWp once complete or enough electricity to supply over 50% of the shopping centre’s common areas. Guided by our decarbonisation plan, we’re seeking out new opportunities to introduce renewable energy.

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Developing sustainable buildings

We design and construct environmentally sustainable properties that operate efficiently and attract tenants over the long term. In FY24 we used 47% less grid electricity across our operations than in 2012, our core office assets have a minimum NABERSNZ rating of 4 stars and we achieved a New Zealand first 6 Star Green Star Design & As Built NZ v1.0 Built rating for 3 Te Kehu Way. 

Case study: Drury

Sustainable, from the ground up

Kiwi Property’s Drury development is a rare opportunity to create a sustainable community from the ground up. The build is poised to unlock thousands of homes and a similar number of jobs over the coming years.   

Drury is designed as an exemplar of sustainable living for current and future generations. Our goal is for Drury to become one of the country’s first major Green Star Communities, reflecting its bright future and strong sustainability credentials. More than 90% of our homes will be within a one-kilometre walk of the train station. It will be a transit-oriented development where people will be proud to live, work and play.  

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Our initiatives

Discover more about our sustainability initiatives across our properties and partnerships, and find out how Kiwi Property Group is delivering for our investors.

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Working with tenants, suppliers and partners to achieve more.

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Providing outstanding experiences for employees, tenants and visitors.

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Investor centre

Results, reports, trading history, green finance and more.